Thursday, 19 March 2015

Oh my lanta- I'm blogging.


Well folks... I've finally done it. I decided to start a blog to discuss things that are important in my life. This is as much of a tool for self-discovery as it is a way to share my thoughts with all of the people I hold dear. I thought I would start by chronicling my goal to embark on a healthy lifestyle. I have been wanting to focus on this for a while but have been procrastinating until NOW. For those of you who do not know...I am getting married in T- Minus 4 months and five days!!! Very exciting! But I did want to make sure I am entering this phase of my life in the healthiest way possible. To me, that means my mind, my body and my soul! 

First things first: Some Goals

1)  I vow to think more about what I am putting into my body so that I will become more energized without the help of my very favourite drink: tea!!

2) I will try to do at least half an hour of exercise a day. This could mean taking my dog for a long walk, going for a run, or doing yoga. I chose these things because I feel it is important to reconnect with nature especially since it is the first day of spring!!

3) For my mind, I hope to research things I actually care about rather than only focusing on school. I hope to read more books for enjoyment and take some more "me time."

4) For my soul, I hope to discover more about what I like and what I don't like. I don't know about you all, but I went straight from high school to university and have almost completed two bachelors degrees without taking a break. I know a lot about who I am as a student and as a worker. But not a lot about what I like outside of school. I hope to try new things that test my boundaries and spend time with those I love!

Here are my goals...lets see if I can actualize them!